The Role of Microgrids in Helping to Advance the Nation’s Energy System

US Department of Energy – Office of Electricity
Microgrids are localized grids that can disconnect from the traditional grid to operate autonomously. Because they are able to operate while the main grid is down, microgrids can strengthen grid resilience and help mitigate grid disturbances as well as function as a grid resource for faster system response and recovery.
Microgrids support a flexible and efficient electric grid by enabling the integration of growing deployments of distributed energy resources such as renewables like solar. In addition, the use of local sources of energy to serve local loads helps reduce energy losses in transmission and distribution, further increasing efficiency of the electric delivery system.
The Energy Department has a comprehensive portfolio of activities that focuses on the development and implementation of microgrids to further improve reliability and resiliency of the grid, help communities better prepare for future weather events, and keep the nation moving toward a clean energy future.

Sandia National Laboratories Energy SuretyTM Microgrid
Los Alamos National Laboratory DC Microgrids Scoping Study
Sandia Report – The Advanced Microgrid Integration and Interoperability
Summary Report – 2014 DOE Resilient Electric Distribution Grid R&D Workshop
DOE Microgrid Workshop Report 2011
Why Two Grids Can Be Better Than One
#bammicrogrids #BESS #edgemicrogrid #energysecurity #getonanewgrid #offgridresort #resortpower #treebonesresort BAMMicrogrid batteryenergystorage Energy Security Mini BAM Microgrid